From: Ginny Fairham
Product: Google Goggles
Category: B2B Management
I first stumbled upon Google Goggles a few months back, while i was desperately struggling to increase my adwords conversion and increase my ROI (return on investment). It was a very critical period in my marketing business because i was paying out greatly on keywords on my different campaigns. So when i first visited the Google Goggles website i was definitely curious, however with a 90% conviction that i wasn't going to pay a dime for whatever they had to offer. Reason been that in the past i have paid out substantial amounts of cash to websites promising me heaven on earth only to find myself more frustrated than before.
After i spent some time reading through the Google Goggles site i definitely made up my mind that i was not going to buy...why? Well because in my internet marketing journey, i have come across sites with sales pages that have pitched so well only for me to discover too late that yet again have i been misled and scammed. I then decided to hold out on this one and wait a while to think over it and gather more information Google Goggles while giving my wallet a much deserved rest.
Three weeks later i received an email from "Richard" one of my internet marketing buddies in Australia whom i had met in a forum a couple of years back and ever since then have exchanged ideas with. He told me about how he purchased the Google Goggles and after implementing the ideas he saw a sharp rise in his ROI, and was mailing to tell me because he knew i was going through a hell of a time keeping my adword cost down. Because i have known Richard to give recommendations sparingly i decided maybe it was time to get myself a copy of the Google Goggles.
”You know what? When I started reading Google Goggles, as with the other "magic bullets" I had bought I wasn't too impressed at first... but then when I got a bit further into the course... it hit me. Pure brilliance! ”
I thought I already knew everything about the different methods to improve on my adwords campaigns and increase my ROI, but I realize now that was because of all the scams out there...
And even though a lot of the other systems held solutions, they were only temporary and didn't sustain for any longer period of time.
Since i started implementing the Google Goggles idea my ROI has increased greatly and i now know how to determine how profitable my campaigns will be through looking what at what my competition is and what to expect, and this is why i'm taking the time to tell you about this today.
If you are still suffering from the google slap, high keyword suffocation, low converting campaigns, Google Goggles would be the first place i will direct you to, its really that good.
Let me just tell you a little bit more of my tale.
My name is Ginny Fairham i am a struggling internet marketer who after 2006 saw a massive reduction in sales and conversion, but i'd rather not go into that now...
I did every thing in my power to improve my campaigns, but nothing seemed to work and i got desperate and started buying every product as long as it contained the word "adword". This was done in a quest for solution and ended up spending more than i will like to talk about...Those methods that worked only worked for a while before turning pear shape and doing a dive, which left me feeling worse after a short period of elation! Can you imagine that?
Now i am about to get into the Google Goggles review, but first let me refresh your memory. Here are some very bold claims from the Googles Goggles Website if you're wondering what this is all about.
Google Goggles, the only software tool that lets you see Web sites through Google’s eyes… and minimize Adwords bid prices to such low levels...
That is pretty serious claim right? And you must be wondering if its a only a big baloney. Well keep readong and you will know at the end of this review (keep reading).
"Of course I can't reveal what the techniques actually is, because I don't want Amish to Send his lawyers on me! Unfortunately you have to buy Google Goggles to get the goods."
The beauty of Google Googles starts from you been able to actually find a hungry niche using the nichegoggles. All you need to do is enter your keyword and you will know if it worth pursuing or not.
Spy out your competition with HexaTrack (Goggles edition) and determine your market's profitability in advance .Once you've found a market potentially worth pursuing, do you think it would be helpful to know exactly who your competitors are and what Adwords ads they are running, at what cost, bidding on which exact keywords? That's exactly what HexaTrack does for me every day.
Evaluate the affiliate network's landing page with the help of Google Goggles, and compare it to your competitors' landing pages. Google Goggles will even help you optimize your landing page, should you need to create one.
Track and optimize your Adwords campaign with closed-loop tracking built into HexaTrack (Goggles Edition) to increase profits daily
I can't tell you exactly in details how you do this because like i said earlier i do not Amish dragging me off to court. But i can tell you this method is like my secret internet marketing tool.
”As Amish so nicely puts it on the website, this technique can be used if you have ever experienced:
- The google slap
- Paying too much for your keywords
- Low campaign conversion
- Been pushed under by competition
Amish really coughs up the goods on this one, so be prepared to take control of your adwords campaigns again.
So that's that. I'm sorry the review was so short, but I can't reveal any more!
Basically, to sum it up: the Technique/software in Google Goggles alone can make the difference in how your campiagns will convert and no more days of blind campaigns.
Well, anyway, you can listen video on what some of the other buyers have had to say about Google Goggles (there's been thousands of happy customers):
If you're finally ready to check out Google Goggles now, just click the link below to be taken right there and finally start your new life, just like I did mine :)
Good Luck
Giiny Fairham